Special Conditions as an Artist
The following articles are addressed to the members of the Zelabel site who wish to submit a project in order to be financed by the Prods on the Zelabel Site.
The present Special Terms and Conditions of the Artists govern the relations between Zelabel and the Artist.
Their purpose is to define the conditions under which Zelabel makes available to the Artist, free of charge and for the duration of the Project, a storage space and an interface of Web administration allowing him to broadcast Music Creations, on the Internet, on a mobile telephone network and / or on any other electronic communication network currently available or in the future for the public and which could be added to the Site by Zelabel.
Prior to the submission of a Project on the Site, the Artist acknowledges having read these Special Conditions and expressly declares to accept them. These terms and conditions supplement the Zelabel Terms and Conditions of Use available in their latest version at http://www.zelabel.com/CondGen.asp
As Artist, the Artist acknowledges having read and accepted them without reservation. The submission of a Project on the Zelabel Site is open exclusively:
Artists who have not signed directly or indirectly any phonographic and / or videographic recording contract with any third party prior to the 3 (three) calendar years from the date of registration on the Site by the opening of an Account Artist. Any exclusive registration option that would have been waived or not during the previous 3 (three) calendar years is treated as an exclusive Registration Agreement.
Artists are legally capable in France at the time of registration on the Zelabel Site Artists are legally capable in France at the time of registration on the Zelabel Site
This Preamble is an integral part of the Particular Conditions of Artists. The Artist guarantees the veracity of his statements, which are essential and decisive conditions of Zelabel's consent and without which it would not have concluded the present Contract.
The Artist is informed that Zelabel may at any time modify these Special Conditions as an Artist. However, for registrations made before the date of modifications herein, the Special Conditions as an Artist in force on the date of registration of the Artist remain applicable, unless prior written information by Zelabel duly accepted by the Artist
The Artist can only use the Site if he is legally able and if his account has not been deleted.
These Terms and Conditions of use and the Particular Conditions as Artist and the Zelabel Artist and Financing Contracts to be signed before a Project is put online, constitute the entirety of the opposable contractual documents between Zelabel and the Artist. In case of contradiction between the General Conditions of Use and the Special Conditions, the latter will prevail.
The Service is provided to the Artist by Zelabel free of charge.
Assignment of Rights - Exclusivity - Royalties to the Artist
In return, the Artist graciously grants to Zelabel the signing of an Artist and Financing Agreement with Zelabel, an assignment of rights and an exclusive right to the fixation of his phonographic works for the duration of the present and as defined within Contracts to be signed
Signed Contracts are a prerequisite for putting each Project on line for an Artist
These documents are confidential and are not intended to be published at all. public. They replace the summary given below for information purposes. In case of contradiction between the Particular General Conditions and the Contracts signed by the Artist, the latter shall prevail notably in order to allow adaptations necessary or desired by the Artist.
Summary of Contracts to Sign by the Artist
In summary the Contracts specify that the Artist concedes to Zelabel, the right, in particular, to:
Reproduce or have reproduced all or part of the Musical Creations, by any means or process, in any known or unknown form or medium, particularly in the form of: paper, electronic, magnetic, optical, digital such as in particular hard disks, associated or no to other works of any kind;
To represent or cause to be represented all or part of the Musical Creations, on any network referred to above, by any process, in any known or unknown form, in association or not with other works of any kind;
Adapt or make adapt all to party of Musical Creations, and in particular with the rights of:
o Proceed to the rankings of the Musical Creations hosted on the site and to distribute them
on the Site, to us to us to easily to Musical Creations;
o Present the Musical Creations for display directly or in consultation. from the home page of the site or
any other page, 3 years ago, the musical creations of the Artist;
o Realize or make realize and put on line extracts of the hosted Musical Creations.The Artist further expressly authorizes Zelabel to promote and / or advertise its Music Creation
With respect to derived rights, The Artist grants to Zelabel, on an exclusive basis, the right to use, exploit and / or exploit, or grant the exploitation to any third party, the "Attributes of the Personality "of the Artist, for any country, in all forms, in whole or in part, on all media and configurations, and by any means, known or unknown and in particular by way of reproduction on a graphic medium (publications, books , Albums, posters, posters, stickers, etc.) or of manufacture in the form of plastic or applied art (games, toys, clothing, advertising objects, etc.), more generally referred to as "derived products" or "merchandising" for advertising, commercial, promotional, sponsorship, or association purposes.
For this purpose, the Artist authorizes Zelabel to prospect, negotiate and conclude with third parties Contracts to grant the above rights, being in this case, Zelabel will remain responsible to the Artist.
The Attributes of the Personality include:
the name of the Artist and the (all) pseudonym (s) used by him;
the images, frozen or animated, photos, drawings, portraits or any other form of representation of the Artist, the logos of the Artist, the biographical elements, as well as, in general, all the physical and vocal characteristics of this latest.
The rights deriving from this exclusivity are granted to Zelabel for the duration of the present, and for a period defined in the Contracts following their term.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that the Contracts concluded by Zelabel with third parties whose object is the grant of the aforementioned rights shall go to their own end, even if this term exceeds the duration of the exclusivity granted to this article to Zelabel (provided that, in this case, these Contracts have been approved by the Artist)
The Artist expressly declares that he has not assigned, licensed or transferred in any way whatsoever to a third party, all or part of the Rights to the Musical Creations.
The Artist further declares that he has not granted a right of preference or first option to a third party, and refrains from doing so during the entire period in which the Artist will ensure the dissemination and exploitation of its Musical Creations via the Zelabel Site.
The Artist commits for the duration of the Particular Conditions as an Artist and during the 12 (twelve) months following their term:
To submit to Zelabel, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, all offers of registration / publishing contracts made to it by a third party other than Zelabel, and to accept the offer made by Zelabel under equivalent conditions;
To immediately inform by any means any third party making an offer of contract relating to its activities as an Artist Interpreter, of the existence of this contract and to invite the latter to contact Zelabel prior to any proposal;
During the period of exclusivity stipulated above, the Artist forbids:
o To market directly or indirectly, whatever the territory, the means and the support, all musical creations
available online;
o To appear directly or indirectly on a site directly or indirectly competing with Zelabel, offering users the
opportunity to contribute to the launch, to the development or production of one or more Artists;
o To apply for an authorization to use its Musical Creations in any form and any form of support to third parties
without the prior written consent of Zelabel.
Royalties to the Artist
In return for the commercial exploitation of the products giving rise to remuneration for Zelabel, it undertakes to pay to the Artist 15% (fifteen percent) of the Net Receipts collected for this purpose.
For derivatives and neighboring rights other rates are applicable. These rates are also based on "net receipts".
By "net receipts" is meant the tax-free receipts collected by Zelabel, minus any taxes and legal deductions, of any commission intermediary and direct costs associated with this operation, when Zelabel (directly or indirectly through its affiliates) makes and sells the relevant derivatives.
The royalties and the remuneration mechanisms of the Artists are also defined within Artist and Zelabel financing contracts that the Artist must sign prior to putting his Project online.
The Artist guarantees to Zelabel - against all disturbances, claims and evictions of any kind - the peaceful exercise of the rights that he has granted to him in an exclusive capacity and undertakes to Zelabel to enforce these rights by any third party, including defending Zelabel against all attacks that would be or could be brought to him.
For this purpose, the Artist recognizes and declares expressly:
Subject to the point below, to have written, composed, interpreted, and recorded only the Musical Creations, and to have only the whole of the Rights on these within the framework of present;
In the event that the Artist is not the sole author and / or composer and / or performer of the Musical Creations mentioned above, the Artist declares and warrants to Zelabel to have obtained in writing, prior to the implementation all the authors, composers, performers and producers of the musical creations considered, all the authorizations and rights necessary for the implementation line and any exploitation on the Site of Musical Creations allowing him to engage in the terms of the present.
The Artist undertakes to provide Zelabel with a written justification, at any time, by providing at first request a copy of all the justifications of said rights and authorizations.
The Artist is informed that any statement on his part, including false, inaccurate or incomplete is likely to engage his responsibility. Zelabel shall be entitled to claim from the Artist in addition to damages the repayment of any sums that Zelabel owes, in any capacity whatsoever, to a rightful claimant, by reason of the reproduction and / or the representation and / or the making available and communication to the public of Musical Creations by Zelabel in the context of the supply or promotion of the Site.
Terms of Use of the Site
The Artist is responsible for his Identifiers according to the terms specified in the Terms of Use.
The use of the Site by the Artist is authorized subject to the following technical specifications:
For Visual Elements: maximum size 2 MB, in .jpg or .gif or .swf formats;
For the Musical Works: size 5 MB per Musical Work, in .mp3 format.
Zelabel reserves the right to modify at any time the specifications of the Site provided above.
The Artist may at any time, via the administration interface of his Account Artist, delete or add Musical creations within the technical limits provided above. These modifications will be made in agreement with Zelabel.
The Artist will have to keep a copy of the digital files hosted by Zelabel within the framework of the Site. Under no circumstances Zelabel can not be held responsible for destruction or loss of digital files hosted on the Site. In such a circumstance, it will be up to the Artist to make a new upload of his Musical Creations and other data.
Submit your project to Zelabel
In order to submit a project as an artist on the Zelabel website it is required to register online and become a member of the Zelabel site.
To submit your project you only have to become a member of the Zelabel site. Site, to connect to his account by using the menu item "Connection" and to use the menu item "Submit a Project" in order to display the page of submission or management of Project and to fill the form as completely as possible.
The latter also allows to send links, images, models to our artistic committee which gives a quick response to Artists in the form of an agreement or a refusal in relation to the Proposed Project
If the latter is positive, the Artist is invited to come to defend his Project at Zelabel.
Once accepted, the Artist will have to sign a Artist's contract defining the operating framework of its Project as well as a Financing Agreement defining the functioning of Zelabel
The Artist and Zelabel then agree on the Budget and segmentation into Phases of the latter.
Zelabel also contributes to the image of Zelabel. the Artist and realize with him if need is photos, a video, a video of presentation, the writing of the description of the Project, the biography of Artists, one or more model (s) in order to valorize the best the Project of the Artist and put it on line.
Once the whole of the sufficient elements available, the Project of the Artist is published on our Site and becomes active. > Registration as an Artist gives access to an Artist Account. Each Artist Account is unique, accessible only through the Identifiers given to the Artist by Zelabel in particular to animate his Project.
Terms of Use of the Site as an Artist
The Artist undertakes not to create or use on the Site any other accounts than the one initially created and attributed, whether under its own identity or that of a third party. If it does, it may result in the immediate suspension without notice of the account (s) of the Artist.
In addition, the Artist pledges not to create a false identity likely to mislead Zelabel or any third party and not to impersonate another legal or physical person.
For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of previous paragraph, Zelabel reserves the right to ask the Artist to justify by any means of his identity. In the absence of justification within a period of 7 (seven) days from the request of Zelabel, the suspension mentioned in the preceding paragraph will apply.
By accepting these Special Terms of Use, the Artist declares that the source of funds used by him on the Site is not illegal and undertakes not to use the Site for any illegal or fraudulent activity, including (but not limited to) money laundering . Criminal and / or civil proceedings may be instituted against the Artist and any other person who has directly or indirectly participated in such illegal or fraudulent activity.
Zelabel reserves the right to transmit any information that may to have an illegal or fraudulent character, to the competent authorities, without notifying the Artist. To this end, Zelabel reserves the right to sequestrate all funds that it legitimately suspects that they are linked to an illegal or fraudulent activity, until they are transmitted to the competent authority. The Artist waives any right or remedy of any nature whatsoever that may be acknowledged or opened to him, in any place whatsoever, by reason of Zelabel's communication of this information to the competent authorities.
The Artist declares to have preserved on any support of his choice the original of all the Contents that he could put on line. The Artist also agrees to accept the Special Conditions of Artists when creating his Artist Account.
Whatever the number of Artists involved in the Album ( a single Artist or a group of Artists), the Artist Account is always held individually by a single physical owner, declared and clearly identified with Zelabel, sole beneficiary of the rights and responsible for the obligations attached to the Artist's Account.
Likeness of the Content posted on the Zelabel Site
Of all the exchanges made on the Zelabel site, the messages posted by the Artist represent only his opinion and are his sole responsibility.
The User is solely responsible for personal data it discloses on the Zelabel Site.
Zelabel acquires no ownership of the Content which is the exclusive property of the Artist except in the event that such Content is produced by Zelabel and not the Artist himself.
When the User makes use of the possibility of putting on line on the Site Content, on which Zelabel has no control whatsoever and is not responsible for any prejudice whatsoever. arising, the User agrees not to publish Content contrary to the purpose of the Site and / or the provisions of these Special Conditions of Use, and / or unlawful, including:
Malicious, inappropriate, disrespectful;
Defamatory, insulting;
Counterfeit, secret or confidential, misleading or false (including personal information);
Xenophobic, racist, hateful;
Inciting violence, xenophobia, racism or hatred;
Illegal or damaging to public order or morality;
Indecent, obscene, pornographic;
Menacing or violent.
Infringement of the privacy and / or image/reputation of other people;
On copyrighted material;
On trade or business secrets;
On commercials, commercial solicitations, or email chains.
This prohibition applies to all types of communications of the Prod without limitation, whether public or private, and whoever it is addressed to, including employees of Zelabel.
Zelabel reserves the right :
To delete immediately and without notice, any Content which, in its sole discretion, in particular on claim from a third party which it deems sufficiently legitimate, would violate the terms of the present, the Special Conditions of the Prods,
To suspend or cancel immediately and without notice any Prod Account whose Prod is at the origin of the publication on the Site of any Content of illicit nature as defined above.
The Artist is reminded that all stipulations of the Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the Site, including those relating to Musical Creation. Consequently, the Musical Creation should not violate the General Conditions of Use and more generally the laws and regulations in force.
If Zelabel is alerted by a third party or by any means whatsoever of wrongfulness of a musical work accessible through the Site or transmitted by the Site, Zelabel reserves the right to immediately remove this musical work or to make access impossible, and to deliver the said musical creations and the identification data of the 'Artist to the competent public authorities.
Approval of the Special Conditions of Use
In addition to accepting the Terms of Use after consulting them at the following address: http://www.zelabel.com/Condgen.asp as expressly stated in the preamble hereof, the Artist acknowledges having read the Special Conditions applicable to it, and expressly declares to accept them unreservedly by ticking the box "I accept the Special Conditions of the Artists ", after consulting them at the following address: http://www.zelabel.com/CondArt.asp.
Duration of the relationship with the Zelabel label
The geberal Terms of Use apply:
For the User: from his connection to the Site at the end of his navigation ("disconnection");
For the Artist and the Prod: from the creation of his account until its closing, without prejudice to the Special Conditions applicable to the Artist and Special Conditions applicable to the Prod.
No Partnership, agency, joint venture, employee / employer relationship or franchisee / franchisor is provided for or created by these Terms of Use between Zelabel and the User.
Regarding the deletion of an Account of Artist or Prod, the conditions are defined in the Particular Conditions of the Artists and the Particular Conditions of the Prods.
Zelabel reserves the right to suspend temporarily or definitively, according to the modalities described hereafter, or remove immediately and without notice any Artist Account whose owner has infringed, or has assisted a third party to violate the terms hereof, the Special Terms of Prods or the Particular Conditions of Artists, or has committed any other illegal act.
In this case, Zelabel is likely not to repay, as a penalty clause, all or part of the amounts corresponding to the Credit possibly as to this Account of Artist and that it considers necessary to repair the damage whatever its nature, which it would have possibly undergone.
If Zelabel decided to restore all or part of the amounts corresponding to a potential Credit at the time of closing, the Artist Account holder should contact Zelabel upon first receiving an email from Zelabel notifying him of this decision within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days, and provide all necessary information to refund of the amount in question. Beyond the aforementioned period or failing to obtain the information necessary for reimbursement, Zelabel will be released from any obligation to repay.
Zelabel under LGSR label
Zelabel is a sub-label of the LGSR label owned by Sphere France. Projects realized under Zelabel are numbered and cataloged under LGSR. However, the Zelabel symbol always appears as an icon to indicate that this product is from this Site.
LGSR is a label and also a distributor recognized in other by the SCPP and having accounts within the signs and networks specialized in the sale of phonograms. LGSR thus distributes all of its catalog and its label, which guarantees that products from the Zelabel site are also widely distributed.
Closing account
Zelabel reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate immediately and without notice any Artist Account whose owner has infringed, or has assisted a third party to violate the terms hereof, the Special Conditions of Artists, or would have any other illegal act.
In this case, Zelabel may not reimburse, as a penalty clause, all or part of the amounts corresponding to the Credit possibly associated with this Artist Account and that it considers it necessary to repair the damage whatever its nature, which it would eventually have suffered.
In such a case, and if the budget of at least one of the Production Phases is reached, Zelabel will inform the Prods Concerned the defects committed by the Artist, and the face value of the Mises subscribed by the Prods on the Artist will be brought to the Credit Prods concerned.
Communication to the General Public of Musical Creations and Download
Listening to the Musical Works of the Artist will be done by direct reading from its Artist Page dedicated to its Project, from any other page of the Site, or via dedicated readers.
Zelabel does not guarantee that the Listening to or reading the Musical Creations directly from the Artist's Page Artist or from any other page of the Website is a procedure prohibiting or limiting the risks of downloading or reproduction of Musical Creations by a third party.
L 'Artist therefore declares to be fully informed and agrees that the Musical Creations which he distributes and exploits via the Site may be reproduced by third parties over which Zelabel has no control. The diffusion of the Musical Creations is therefore at the sole risks and perils of the Artist, the latter undertaking to assume all risks related to the counterfeiting of Musical Creations without warranty or recourse against Zelabel.
Obligations of Participation of the Artist
In return for the online service offered by Zelabel and in order to take into account the commitments made by Zelabel towards the Prods, the Artist irrevocably agrees to sign:
A hard copy of these Terms and Conditions of Use and the Special Terms and Conditions as an Artist is, at the first request of Zelabel. In the event of refusal by the Artist, Zelabel reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and even to delete the Artist's Account from the Artist and its Online Project;
The Zelabel Artist and Financing Contract before the data and components of its Project are published and put online. ;
In consideration of the subscription made by the Prods, the Artist will have the obligation for the duration of the present, to update his Artist Page by regularly adding new Musical Creations, and responding as far as possible to all the solicitations of the Prods (emails, post on the forum, comments, etc.)
He also undertakes to participate in all the events intended for the promotion of the Site to which he has been invited by Zelabel ( chat, parties, interview, etc.).
Cancellation of the Artist
This contract is for a period of 18 months.
The contract is suspended pending funding to allow the production of the project and then leave 18 months to exploit and promote it.
The Artist and Financing Agreement Zelabel specifies beyond this duration the terms of termination that allow an Artist to terminate these contracts.
These contracts also detail the options available to the label. Beyond the 18-month period and he can raise in order to carry out other Projects with the Artist.
In case of termination of the contract under a Zelabel financing, the artist commits himself contractually to refund the online costs initially invested by Sphere France at its actual cost even if it exceeds the budget initially allocated. In this case the artist is also liable for a lump sum of 250.00 € excl VAT to cover the administrative expenses of reimbursement made by Sphere France.
Last Stakes
The last stakes of our Prods :
6170 € | by pascal |
6170 € | by arthur de la taille |
100 € | by porsche |
50 € | by badasnounou |
60 € | by ma reine |
100 € | by nono nigo |
50 € | by valentinedbrr |
711 € | by arthur de la taille |
60 € | by sister4 |
20 € | by belloune |
Artists News
Here are the latest news of each Artist.
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MERCI Valentinedbrr et bienvenue parmi les ProdYSieuses : ) ... |
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Un grand MERCI à pascal, fredo67270, claire et flowww pour leurs mises . Bienvenue dans l'aventure Y ... |
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Bonjour et BIENVENUE sur la page artiste de Yann Silver.
N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos appr ... |
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Merci @marianne !!
... |
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Genial, un producteur de plus par ici. Merci Mumickeyxus pour ta générosité!
... |
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Merci le dernier venu Lidwell!Mais qui se cache derrière ce pseudo??? - |
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Mille millions de merci à toutes et tous !
"WAKE UP !", notre premier ... |
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Merci aux derniers profs, ça avance! Pathos, Pascal, Zombre, Sylcaro, reinessaba! ... |
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Après un peu plus d'un an sur Zelabel, la fin est toute proche pour notre projet !! |
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La barre des 10 000€ est dépassée !!! |
Bonsoir à tous,
Voilà , 10 jours d'écoulés et déjà, grâce à vous, 20% de la première étape réalisés!
Un grand merci à tous nos Prods et maintenant que vous faites partie de l'aventure... Partagez et parlez en autour de vous un max!
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Voilà, à peine 24h que le projet est lancé et déjà, cachet 1 musicien validé sur le projet.
Allez ... |
Nouveau projet en ligne sur Zelabel.
Wut B'ees démarre super bien son aventure sur notre site |
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C'est reparti !! Merci à nos nouveaux prods pour leurs mises !
Partagez la page, parlez du projet ... |
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Les 5 morceaux de l'EP ont été enregistrés et nous retournons ce week end à Sphere Studio afin de pr ... |
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C'EST FAIT !! La première phase est complète ! MILLE MERCIS à toutes et tous !
Nous étions 3 au dé ... |
les 100 Prods sont atteints et la première phase est toute proche |
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8000€ !!! C'est formidable, la fin de cette première phase est à présent toute proche ! 737€ nous sé ... |
ça y est, j'ai tout donné ! Je suis rincé, lessivé, à sec ! A vous de jouer !!! |
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Nous atteignons 90% de la jauge de la première phase !! En avant les amis, encore 900€ et nous pourr ... |
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Et 7000€ !! |
Les 7 000 approchent |
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Et de 6 000 € !! Merci à framboise, bibouchan et giba54 qui nous ont rejoint dernièrement. Encore 2 ... |
Les 6 000.00 € sont pratiquement atteint. encore quelques petites mises |
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WAYKOPP A LA RADIO CE SOIR (mercredi 11/02) - Le groupe sera représenté par Lord M et Président GG d ... |
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Félicitations ggqfan ! C'est amplement mérité vu ton implication de chaque instant depuis le début d ... |
Ca y est ! j'ai droit à mon nom comme producteur sur votre album !!! |
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Merci à toi Giofizet! On continue!
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La jauge a atteint 66% (les deux iers) de la première phase.
On se remobilise ! |
En route pour les 2000 € |
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Nous poursuivons notre montée tranquillement mais sûrement ! Merci à tous nos nouveaux prods, la fin ... |
Les 5000 € sont atteints !!!! |
La moitié du curseur de la première phase est atteint |
4000€, tout juste 23 jours après notre arrivée sur ZELABEL ! La moitié du chemin est presque faite pour la première phase du projet !! Continuons à partager cette page ! |
Our Partners
Sponsors Information
Zelabel, Sphere Studio, Tremplin de nuit et Lgsr sont des marques commerciales appartenant à la société Sphere France sarl.
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