Terms and Conditions of Use
These General Conditions define the set of rules of use and the relations between the Users and the Site www.zelabel.com
The site www.zelabel.com is the property of the company Sphere France sarl, Registered at the Sarlat RCS under the number Sarlat B 439 777 574, Siret: 439.777.574 00013 and whose registered office is located at La Peletie - Lieu-dit Miossac, 24260 Mauzens and Miremont - France. The following General Conditions are in addition to the legal information available on the site www.zelabel.com, hereinafter referred to as Zelabel.
The Zelabel Site is a participative and community site to promote and produce the Musical Projects. Artists. The Site is intended to be used by 3 categories of Users.
Users visiting the Site and who are not registered on the Site.<
Artists who have registered as Artists on the Site and present a Musical Project to the Prods in order to discover their Musical Project and to finance the latter through the use of the Site and the Mises des Prods.
The Prods who have registered as Prod and who have access to the data of the Projects of each Artist in order to finance them.
All Users regardless of their category acknowledge having consulted and accepted the Terms and Conditions of the Site simply by using the latter.
The User is informed that Zelabel may change at any time the Terms and Conditions below , which will be enforceable within 24 hours of being posted on the Site.
Zelabel will post on the Site the addition of these changes through a news. A special mention will appear on the Site and this for 8 days from the posting of the latter.
Any User acknowledges and agrees that use of the Site after the date of the changes will imply its express and unreserved acceptance of General or Specific Conditions thus modified.
In addition to the General Terms and Conditions below, Zelabel presents Special Terms and Conditions for Artists and Prods to the acceptance of its Users. registration as Artist or Prod, each User acknowledges having read the Special Terms of Use which are specific to Artists and Prods and expressly declares accepting them by checking the box "I accept the Special Terms of Use Artists" and / or by ticking the box "I accept the Special Conditions of Use Prods". These General Terms and Conditions, the legal notices available on the site and the two different Special Conditions as Artist or Prod constitute all the contractual documents opposable between Zelabel and the Users.
The following definitions apply to the General Conditions of Use and the Special Conditions of Use as Artist and Prod:
"Album or LP": Designates a program consisting of a minimum of 10 (ten) phonograms of an Artist's Musical Compositions, for a total recording time can not be less than 35 (thirty-five) minutes of music.
" Artist" : It is one or a group of natural persons registered on the Zelabel and having an Artist Account intended for the promotion of a Project composed of one or more Production Phases.
"Project Budget": This is the sum of the Raises to be raised needed to complete all of an artist's Project Phases.
"Artist Account": Refers to the private page (s) of an Artist from which he / she manages his / her Identifiers, his / her information artistic. He also transmits his images, models, or any information related to his news. He is required to report to Zelabel any change to his email address and his mailing address under the clause of the domiciliation article below.
"Member Account": Refers to the pages and information of a Zelabel Site User who has created his own Account and has identified himself in order to either act as an Artist and therefore submit a Project and / or Prod and therefore bet on one or more Projects on the Site.
"Prod Account": Refers to the private page (s) of a Prod from which it manages its Identifiers, its personal information. He is required to report to Zelabel any change to his email address and his mailing address under the clause of the domiciliation article below.
"Terms & Conditions": Refers to all conditions and therefore the rules and practices allowing any User to browse and use the Zelabel Site.
"Special Conditions": Refers to all the conditions and therefore the rules and practices allowing any Member to browse and use the Zelabel Website as an Artist , and / or as Prod.
"Content": Refers to all the Musical Works that the Artist has chosen to broadcast on the Zelabel website, as well as information about Artists or Prods of an Artist, and therefore all the information available on the Zelabel website relating to an Artist's Project.
"Artist Agreement": Designates the exclusivity agreement and all its clauses that explains the relationship between the Artist and Zelabel and the obligations of each party as well as the organization of the relationship between the Artist and Zelabel.
"Financing Contract": Additional Contract to the Artist Agreement that explains how the financing of the Artist's Project is carried out by the Site and the terms of this financing. same as the obligation of the parties or the alternative modes of financing and the operation of the latter.
"Musical Creation": Refers to a musical composition, with or without words including its title, original in the meaning of the Code of Intellectual Property, interpreted by the Artist - Performer and recorded in an audio format intended for the site Zelabel (format MP3) or video.
"Cursor": Refers to the level of the Mises subscribed by the Prod (s) for an Artist under a Project. The amount of the Cursor represents the sum of the Mises of the whole of the Prods and is compared to the Fixed Goal which is defined by Zelabel. The Cursor always corresponds to a single Phase of a Project. It is necessary to differentiate between two types of cursors:
o Phase Slider: Indicates the level and total outputs of the active Phase of the Project.
This slider is located above the Mises form within the Zelabel site.
o The Project Cursor: Indicates the level and total of the Prods Bets in relation to the set of Phases
and therefore the entire project. This cursor is located below the Mises form within the Zelabel site."Account Currency": Means the currency, the Account Currency is deemed to be the Euro (€).
"Rights": Refers to all intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, copyrights, trademark rights, said rights being understood as those provided for by the Intellectual Property Code and by the applicable international conventions, as well as the rights of personality.
"Visual Elements": This includes video, photographic, pictorial, and other elements. that a User chooses to publish on the Zelabel Site.
"EP": Designates a program consisting of a minimum of 2 (two) phonograms and a maximum of 7 (seven) phonograms of the musical compositions of an Artist, and for a total recording time of not more than 23 (twenty-three) minutes of music.
"Prod Space": Refers to the part of the Zelabel Site dedicated to the Artist dedicated to the Prods of this Artist.
"Management Fees": Refers to the amount due when a Prod pays the purchase of its Mises with its credit card, a surcharge that is added to the total to be paid from his basket. The latter is slightly higher than the amount invested in a Production Phase. The difference corresponds to the bank management fees or electronic fees that are charged by the banking organizations during the online payment and settlement of a basket.
"Identifiers": Designates the User name ("nickname"), as well as the password chosen by the Artist or Prod and allowing the latter to identify themselves in order to create and access their Artist Account or Prod Account.
"Member": Refers to a User who has registered on the Zelabel Site for the purpose of playing the role of Prod and / or Artist. This registration is required, for example, to be able to Bid or submit a Project.
"Bet" or "Stake": Refers to a net sum of the management fees collected during online basket settlement that a Prod has placed on a Project Phase in order to contribute to its realization and therefore to the development of an Artist. A bet is temporarily blocked until the sum of the bet amounts indicated by the Cursor of a Production Phase of a Project is reached. An Investment is earned on the Project as soon as the Cursor reaches or exceeds the Budget defined for the Active Production Phase.
"Fixed Objective": Designates for a Project or one of its Phases the necessary and sufficient amount to meet before the production of the Project or any of the Phases begins. of the last.
"Project Phase": Designates a set of activities needed to produce the defined Project for an Artist.
Segmentation into Phases allows an Artist to advance in production of his Project until the other successive Phases are funded by the Prods.
When a Project is segmented into Phases, the latter are displayed in the detail of the Budget of the Artist. Prods that bet on one of the Phases of a Project also have access to the breakdown of the Phases and the detail of the production operations for the Artist's Project. The Prod can only bet on the Active Phase of the Project. a Project up to 5% of the latter.
The next Phase of the Project is open to Productions Mises as soon as the Budget of the previous Phase is reached.
A Prod can bet on each Phase of a Project if this Phase is active and remains limited by the total of its Mises to 5% of the Budget of each Phase and therefore of the whole Project."Prod": Refers to the physical or moral person (s) who put on an Artist to participate in the development of an Artist's Project. He is supposed to have accepted the special conditions of Prods. It is specified that the Prod is not a producer within the meaning of articles L.213-1, L. 215-1 and L.132-23 of the Intellectual Property Code nor publisher within the meaning of article L.132- 1 of the same code.
"Producer": Refers to the producer of the Album within the meaning of Articles L.213-1, L. 215-1 and L.132-23 of the Code de la Intellectual property. At Zelabel Sphere France is reputed to be the executive producer of each Project and acts on behalf of the Prods who finance the Project of each Artist.
"Project": Refers to all the information (description, photos, videos, budget, ...) put online by an Artist for whom the latter wishes to receive funding from the Prods share via Zelabel. An Artist can only have one Active Project on the Zelabel Site. Each Project is likely to be segmented into Production Phases called "Project Phase".
"Recipe": An amount paid semi-annually to the Prods they receive as compensation for their participation (calculated as the ratio of the sum of the Mises of each Prod divided by the total of the Budget of a Project) and as reimbursement or profit following their investment for an Artist Project. The Revenue of a Prod is a sum that it receives for the exploitation of the products resulting from the Project.
"Net Recipes": The amount that represents the amount that will be distributed to the Artist and Prod. Net Revenues are calculated by deducting from the proceeds of sale the fees, commissions, merchandise returns, exchange fees, ... and any other charges except for the internal management fees of Zelabel which have been paid to third parties to allow and promote the sale of products resulting from a Project. The calculation to verify this amount is displayed in the Artists and Prods pages, provided that they are Prods of this Project, so that all stakeholders can verify the validity of the amount of Net Revenues that is redistributed.
"Site": Refers to the Website: http://www.zelabel.com or any URL that may be substituted by Zelabel as well as the service offered by Zelabel and its website, namely the access to the Users and the members to the Site and the functionalities offered by the latter.
"Total of Bets" or Total of Stakes": Refers to the total amount of Productions made for a Project Phase or for the entire Project Phase.
"User": Refers to a natural person accessing the Site without necessarily opening an Artist or Prod Account.
Acces to Zelabel Site
Access to the Site is free and allows Users to view its Editorial Content.
Access to the Site gives Users the right to private, non-collective and non-exclusive use of the Site Content.
Zelabel reserves the right, notably for reasons of corrective or evolutionary maintenance, to temporarily suspend access to the Site or a part of it.
It is specified that all hardware or software necessary for the use of the Service remain exclusively the responsibility of the User.
The User is solely responsible for the use made of its Identifiers, without being able to oppose to Zelabel any loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use by a third party.
Any access, and / or use of the Zelabel Site and transmission of data made from an Artist Account will be deemed to have been made by the Artist of the Account concerned.
Notwithstanding the above, the User is required to inform Zelabel without delay of any loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use of its Identifiers by a third party who has granted access to his Account, specifying his name, first name, and User's name, by e-mail to the following address: info@zelabel.com or by post to the address of the Sphere France head office indicated in Website disclaimer.
Prerequisites of Access
The Site is open to the public and anyone who can visit the pages of the latter without Special Conditions. In order to become a Member, the User must be legally capable (and therefore major) in order to have an Artist or Prod Account active on Zelabel.
Member Accounts (Artist or Prod) are unique and it is not allowed to register within the Zelabel Site using different identities on pain of having his Account closed or blocked by Zelabel. As such, the nicknames and email addresses of the Accounts are unique and their uniqueness is verified and provided by the programs to manage an account and its online content.
In order to open an Online Account Users must also accept the General and Special Conditions related to their Account and their activity on the Zelabel Site (Prod or Artist).
Home Address and Maintenance of Coordinates
Each Member of the Site agrees to notify Zelabel immediately of any change of address or modification of email address (email address) that occurs during the period of use of the site and as long as his Account is active and / or as long as this Account is likely to be used by Zelabel for example to send a half-yearly results statement and proceed to the payments of the Prod Revenue or Artists due according to the results of exploitation of a Project.
This notification will have to be made online and the Account modified to reflect at any time the exact coordinates (physical addresses and emails) of the Members of the Zelabel Site.
Zelabel can not be held responsible in any case and no compensation or interest will be due in case of return of mail or any communication to the address of a Member who has not maintained or indicated his real identity online.
In the case of non executable payments from a Bank or postal return, Zelabel will keep the amounts due to Artists and Prods one year until it appears. The unclaimed amounts will be paid in proportion to their participation in the Projects of other Members of the Site according to the percentage of remuneration in force at the time of payment.
Personal Data Management
Nominative Data
The nominative data collected and subsequently processed by the Zelabel Site are those that the User voluntarily transmits to the Site in particular via the registration forms.
He undertakes to provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information and to inform Zelabel immediately of any changes to their personal data by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address info@zelabel.com as defined in the paragraph "Home Election and Contact Maintenance" above.
To be able to create a Member Account, the User must create his / her User IDs and fill in all the mandatory fields.
In order for Zelabel to repatriate its Receipts by transfer to his bank account, the User must have completed all the following mandatory fields:
Bank details (full account number, bank details);
Identity of the holder (surname and first name) of the bank account to which the transfer will be made. Identity of the holder (surname and first name) of the bank account to which the transfer will be made
The data collected automatically by the Site is the IP address (address of the User's computer), to the exclusion of any other data. The Site may implement an automatic tracking process (cookie), to which the User may interfere, if he is not a Registered User, by modifying the appropriate parameters of his Internet browser.
Personal Data Processing and Declaration to the CNIL
The Site and the nominative files have been the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) on 10/09/2012 under the number 1614038, in accordance with the law number 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms.
In accordance with articles 38 and following of the aforementioned law , the User who has completed an online registration form has the right to information, opposition, access and rectification of data concerning him. Its right is exercised by sending a letter by simple letter to the address of the head office indicated in the header of the present, or by email to the following address: info@zelabel.com, indicating his: name, first name, date and place of birth, postal and e-mail address and login details.
The User is informed that as of the deactivation of his Member Account for whatever reason, his personal data may be kept for a period of one year. period of one (1) year, in accordance with the Deliberation of the CNIL n ° 2005-112 of June 7, 2005. Beyond, its personal data will be deleted from the servers of Zelabel and its identifiers will be made available again for the Users wishing to register on the Zelabel Site
The User's personal data will not be transmitted to third parties in any case.
The User has the possibility to terminate at any time any newsletter (or "Newsletter") which it would be transmitted by Zelabel, and refuse all other emails sent for advertising purposes. This termination is made via the menu item "Account" or via a link in each email sent by Zelabel.
The User acknowledges and accepts that for administrative or technical reasons, however, a delay may not be possible. exceeding 72 hours may be necessary before this termination is effective.
Limit of Liability
Zelabel is expressly subject to an obligation of means in the provision of the Service it offers, ie access by Members to the Zelabel Site and all the features offered by it.
Zelabel can not be held liable for activities or stored information if it did not have knowledge of their unlawful nature or if, from the moment it became aware of it, it did not act promptly to withdraw this data or make it impossible to access.
In addition, Zelabel will not be liable to the User for any prejudice whatsoever that it may suffer in case force majeure, because of a third party or because of its own fault, negligence or recklessness.
Whatever the nature, the foundation and the modalities of an action which would be engaged by the User , except in the case of personal injury or fraud attributable to Zelabel, the responsibility for this last, limited to direct damage, can not exceed in any event, over the entire period of supply of the Service and all facts together, an amount equal to € 100 (one hundred euros) for the entire duration. of execution of the present.
The User acknowledges that the guarantees and limitations of responsibility stipulated above operate between the parties a reasonable distribution of risks and responsibilities in view of the context and financial conditions governing the provision of the service. The User is notified and aware that Zelabel has not concluded this Agreement without the limitations of liability and warranty established above.
Intellectual Property
The Site is the exclusive property of Zelabel. In general, Zelabel grants a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right of access and use of the Site, any other right, including reproduction or representation, being expressly prohibited and subject to civil and criminal penalties. for the purpose of counterfeiting.
The Content of the Site ("Site Content", other than the "Content" as defined in these Terms of Use), including text, software, scripts, graphics , photos, sound, music, images, drawings, videos and interactive features, are the exclusive property of Zelabel. The "Content of the Site" is protected by the right of the intellectual property and in particular by the right of author and the right of the marks.
The "Content of the Site" can in no case be downloaded, copied reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, altered, licensed or otherwise exploited for any purpose. It is also forbidden without prior written authorization from Zelabel any hypertext link to the Zelabel Site.
The face value of a wager or any product offered for sale on the Site as well as any fees billed by Zelabel is expressed on the Site in € (Euro).
Payments on the Site and the winnings are also made in Euro.
IT Security
For reasons of security of the Site, the User undertakes not to use on the Site any of the following Java Script functions:
scripts used to post or read a cookie on a page of the Site;
scripts that redirect users to another page (such as "replace" scripts);
the JavaScript "Include" and "iframe".
In general, the User agrees to have no activity likely to disrupt or attempt to disrupt the Site or the activities of the Site.
Any violation of the provisions of this article is likely to lead to sanctions, including::
cancellation of the Service,
the suspension or deletion of the Member's Account.
Hypertext Links
Hypertext links related to the Promotion of an Artist's Project
The User may participate in the promotion of the Artist.
Zelabel provides the User with hypertext links relating to the public area of the Site containing Content relating to the Artist.
Zelabel authorizes the User to reproduce these links on personal pages to promote the Artist.
User cannot reproduce directly or indirectly the hypertext links relating to the Artist Space
User may not directly or indirectly reproduce hypertext links for commercial purposes and / or foreign to the promotion of the Artist.
In any case, any link, even authorized, must immediately be removed on simple Zelabel's request made by email.
Hypertext links to the site other than those related to the Promotion of an Artist's Project
The Site may contain hypertext links to other websites that do not belong to Zelabel or e are not controlled by Zelabel.
Zelabel has no control over the Content, the personal data protection charters or the practices of third party sites and declines all responsibility in this regard. Zelabel is not responsible for the availability of these external sites and resources and does not endorse advertising, products or other materials on these websites or external resources accessible from them.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws
These are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law, the language of interpretation being the French language in the event of dispute over the meaning of a term or a provision herein. public law provisions applicable in matters of jurisdiction, only French law and the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Périgueux or the Commercial Court of Sarlat are applicable. These courts receive by this convention the exclusive attribution of competences.
Last Stakes
The last stakes of our Prods :
6170 € | by pascal |
6170 € | by arthur de la taille |
100 € | by porsche |
50 € | by badasnounou |
60 € | by ma reine |
100 € | by nono nigo |
50 € | by valentinedbrr |
711 € | by arthur de la taille |
60 € | by sister4 |
20 € | by belloune |
Artists News
Here are the latest news of each Artist.
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MERCI Valentinedbrr et bienvenue parmi les ProdYSieuses : ) ... |
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Un grand MERCI à pascal, fredo67270, claire et flowww pour leurs mises . Bienvenue dans l'aventure Y ... |
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Bonjour et BIENVENUE sur la page artiste de Yann Silver.
N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos appr ... |
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Merci @marianne !!
... |
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Genial, un producteur de plus par ici. Merci Mumickeyxus pour ta générosité!
... |
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Merci le dernier venu Lidwell!Mais qui se cache derrière ce pseudo??? - |
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Mille millions de merci à toutes et tous !
"WAKE UP !", notre premier ... |
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Merci aux derniers profs, ça avance! Pathos, Pascal, Zombre, Sylcaro, reinessaba! ... |
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Après un peu plus d'un an sur Zelabel, la fin est toute proche pour notre projet !! |
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La barre des 10 000€ est dépassée !!! |
Bonsoir à tous,
Voilà , 10 jours d'écoulés et déjà, grâce à vous, 20% de la première étape réalisés!
Un grand merci à tous nos Prods et maintenant que vous faites partie de l'aventure... Partagez et parlez en autour de vous un max!
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Voilà, à peine 24h que le projet est lancé et déjà, cachet 1 musicien validé sur le projet.
Allez ... |
Nouveau projet en ligne sur Zelabel.
Wut B'ees démarre super bien son aventure sur notre site |
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C'est reparti !! Merci à nos nouveaux prods pour leurs mises !
Partagez la page, parlez du projet ... |
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Les 5 morceaux de l'EP ont été enregistrés et nous retournons ce week end à Sphere Studio afin de pr ... |
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C'EST FAIT !! La première phase est complète ! MILLE MERCIS à toutes et tous !
Nous étions 3 au dé ... |
les 100 Prods sont atteints et la première phase est toute proche |
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8000€ !!! C'est formidable, la fin de cette première phase est à présent toute proche ! 737€ nous sé ... |
ça y est, j'ai tout donné ! Je suis rincé, lessivé, à sec ! A vous de jouer !!! |
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Nous atteignons 90% de la jauge de la première phase !! En avant les amis, encore 900€ et nous pourr ... |
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Et 7000€ !! |
Les 7 000 approchent |
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Et de 6 000 € !! Merci à framboise, bibouchan et giba54 qui nous ont rejoint dernièrement. Encore 2 ... |
Les 6 000.00 € sont pratiquement atteint. encore quelques petites mises |
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WAYKOPP A LA RADIO CE SOIR (mercredi 11/02) - Le groupe sera représenté par Lord M et Président GG d ... |
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Félicitations ggqfan ! C'est amplement mérité vu ton implication de chaque instant depuis le début d ... |
Ca y est ! j'ai droit à mon nom comme producteur sur votre album !!! |
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Merci à toi Giofizet! On continue!
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La jauge a atteint 66% (les deux iers) de la première phase.
On se remobilise ! |
En route pour les 2000 € |
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Nous poursuivons notre montée tranquillement mais sûrement ! Merci à tous nos nouveaux prods, la fin ... |
Les 5000 € sont atteints !!!! |
La moitié du curseur de la première phase est atteint |
4000€, tout juste 23 jours après notre arrivée sur ZELABEL ! La moitié du chemin est presque faite pour la première phase du projet !! Continuons à partager cette page ! |
Our Partners
Sponsors Information
Zelabel, Sphere Studio, Tremplin de nuit et Lgsr sont des marques commerciales appartenant à la société Sphere France sarl.
Terms of use
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