Special Conditions Acting as a Prod
The following articles are intended for members of the Zelabel website wishing to fund one or more online Artists Projects on the Zelabel website.
The present Prods Terms and Conditions govern relations between Zelabel and a Prod.
Their purpose is to define the conditions under which Zelabel provides the Prod, free of charge and for the duration of the Project, a space and a web interface allowing it to bet and therefore to finance and manage his Produced Account on the Zelabel website
Prior to the payment of a Proposal for a Project on the Site, the Prod acknowledges having read these Special Terms and expressly declares to accept them. These terms and conditions supplement the Zelabel General Terms and Conditions of Use available in their latest version at http: // www. zelabel.com/CondGen.asp
As Prod, the Prod acknowledges having read and accepted them unreservedly. The financing and settlement of a placing on the Zelabel Site is open exclusively:
Prods not being bound as a natural or legal person to a producer, distributor, publisher or phonographic label or any other activity related to the world of music, directly or indirectly via, in particular, a participation or shareholding in moral person
Legal persons represented by physical contact or natural persons who are legally capable at the time of registration on the Zelabel website.
This Preamble is an integral part of the Special Conditions of the Prods. The Prod guarantees the veracity of its declarations, are essential and determining conditions of the consent of Zelabel and without which it would not have concluded the present contract.
The Prod is informed that Zelabel will be able to modify at any time the present Special Conditions as Prod. However, for registrations made before the date of modifications herein, the Special Terms as Prod in force on the date of registration of the Prod remain applicable, unless prior written information by Zelabel duly accepted by the Prod.
Consequently and before each new bet, the Prod will have to expressly and unreservedly accept the new Particular Conditions as Prod, so that they will be opposable immediately.
Prerequisites for becoming Prod
Prod may use the website only if it is legally capable and its account has not been deleted.
For reasons of objectivity and transparency, if a Prod or a person in his household or family is currently, or has been in the last two years, a Zelabel employee, he is not authorized to take out a bet For the purposes hereof, the term "Employee" means all employees and any third party contractors such as dealers, software suppliers, developers or partners and all other persons affiliated with Zelabel.
For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the above provisions, Zelabel reserves the right to ask the Prod to justify by any means its identity and age. In the absence of full justification within 7 (seven) days of Zelabel\'s request, Zelabel may suspend or cancel without notice the relevant Prod Account.
These General Conditions of Use and the Special Conditions as Prod constitute all the contractual documents opposable between Zelabel and the Prod.
In case of contradiction between the General Conditions of Use and the Special Conditions these will prevail.
Terms of Use for the Website as a Prod
The Prod undertakes not to create or use on the website any other accounts than the one initially created and allocated, whether under its own identity or that of a third party. If it does, it may result in the immediate suspension and without notice of Prod\'s account (s).
In addition, The Prod undertakes in particular not to create a false identity likely to induce Zelabel or any third party in error and not to impersonate another legal or physical person.
For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Zelabel reserves the right to ask the Prod to justify by any means of his identity. In the absence of justification within a period of 7 (seven) days from the request of Zelabel, the suspension mentioned in the previous paragraph will apply.
By accepting these Special Terms of Use, Le Prod declares that the source of funds used by him on the website is not illegal and undertakes not to use the website for any illegal or fraudulent activity, including (but not limited to) money laundering. Criminal and / or civil lawsuits can be brought against the Prod and any other person who directly or indirectly participated in such illegal or fraudulent activity.
Zelabel reserves the right to transmit, at its discretion, any information likely to be illegal or fraudulent, to the competent authorities without notifying the Artist. To this end, Zelabel reserves the right to sequestrate all funds for which it has a legitimate suspicion that they are linked to an illegal or fraudulent activity, until they are forwarded to the competent authority.
The Prod disclaims any right or remedy, of any nature whatsoever, which may be acknowledged or opened, in any place whatsoever, by reason of the communication by Zelabel of this information to the competent authorities.
Regardless of the number of Prods involved in the financing of one or more Projects on the Zelabel site, the Prod Account is still held individually by a single physical owner even when the same is registered as legal entity within the Zelabel website (in this case the name of the contact of the Member page is considered the beneficiary of the rights and also the account manager), declared and clearly identified with Zelabel, the sole beneficiary of the rights and responsible for the obligations attached to the Prod.
Likeness of the Content posted on the Zelabel Site
Of all the exchanges made on the Zelabel Site, the messages send online by the Prod represent only his opinion and engage only his responsibility.
When the Prod uses the possibility to post comments on the webite messages to a project of an Artist, Zelabel has no content control and is not filtering or moderate whatsoever and is not responsible for any resulting issue, The Prod undertakes not to publish Content contrary to the purpose of the website and / or the provisions of these Special Terms of Use, and / or unlawful, including:
Malicious, inappropriate, disrespectful;
Defamatory, insulting;
Counterfeit, secret or confidential, misleading or false (including personal information);
Xenophobic, racist, hateful;
Inciting violence, xenophobia, racism or hatred;
Illegal or damaging to public order or morality;
Indecent, obscene, pornographic;
Menacing or violent.
The Prod is also prohibited from publishing Content including:
Infringement of the privacy and / or image/reputation of other people;
On copyrighted material;
On trade or business secrets;
On commercials, commercial solicitations, or email chains.
This prohibition applies to all types of communications of the Prod without limitation, whether public or private, and whoever it is addressed to, including employees of Zelabel.
Zelabel reserves the right :
To delete immediately and without notice, any Content which, in its sole discretion, in particular on claim from a third party which it deems sufficiently legitimate, would violate the terms of the present, the Special Conditions of the Prods,
To suspend or cancel immediately and without notice any Prod Account whose Prod is at the origin of the publication on the Site of any Content of illicit nature as defined above.
Approval of Special Conditions of Use as Prod
In addition to accepting the Terms of Use after consulting them at the following address: http://www.zelabel.com/CondGen.asp as expressly stated in the preamble hereof, the Prod acknowledges having read prior to the payment of the Bet, then each new addition to the Site, the Special Conditions that apply to it, and expressly declares accept without reserve by ticking the box "I accept the Special Conditions of the Prods", after having consulted them at the following address: http: //www.zelabel.com/CondProd.asp
Bets Management
Each Bet equals a fixed value, defined according to the type of Prod considered. The value of the Wager is clearly identified during the purchase. A Bet is not a negotiable security. Each Bet is the property of the Prod who subscribed it. It is not transferable.
All the Prods present on the Site can make a bet on the active phase of all the projects of artists that are proposed to them. The Prod can only bet on Artists who have obtained a Fixed Objective and the possibility of seeing its development funded by the Prods, granted according to a budget freely defined by Zelabel and segmented into Production Phases in agreement with the Artist.
The maximum amount the Prod may subscribe for a given Artist is variable and is limited to 5% of each Active Phase of the Proposed Projects.
The maximum amount of it varies depending on the advancement of the Cursor indicated on the page of each Artist in the space provided for this purpose. The Prod can thus consult at any time the Cursor of the Active Phase and the Total Cursor of the Project for each Artist of the Zelabel site.
Each Subscription of Bet can be the object of the perception by Zelabel de Frais management plan, the amount of which varies according to the amount of the Subscriptions and the means of payment used.
The Prod will be duly informed, prior to the payment of its Deposit, of the total amount taken by Zelabel, which will be submitted express acceptance of the Prod at the appropriate time.
The Prod is solely responsible for the amount of money it subscribes. Zelabel reminds that the Bet must remain an entertainment activity for which it can in no way be held responsible for the outcome expected by the Prod, by nature unpredictable and dependent on elements outside its will.
Prod is aware and understands that the processes related to the development of Artists are long and unpredictable processes, which can last several years and depend in particular on the ability of the Artist to realize and promote his Project and the welcome reserved by the media (radio, press, etc.) and the public at each proposed project.
Marketing and Project Abandonment
Zelabel has only a limited obligation to produce and market an Album, under the conditions described below.
Zelabel pledges to commercialize an Album in a Territory of Reference. Any marketing in a territory other than the Reference Territory is optional and will be at the sole discretion of Zelabel.
The Prod recognizes and expressly accepts the right of any Artist, before the Fixed Objective not be able to delete, after an 18-month period, his/her Artist Account and Associate Page without notice.
The Prod expressly acknowledges and accepts that Zelabel is likely, for legitimate reasons, to to delete an Artist Account and Associate Page.
As a result of the foregoing, the Prod specifically acknowledges and agrees that the face value of the Mises that it has subscribed for the Artist whose Account is deleted will automatically be transferred to a bank account of which he is the holder.
Rights Granted by the Bets
It is previously agreed that Zelabel alone takes the initiative, the responsibility and the charge of financing the Artist's Project. Zelabel acts as Executive Producer of the Artist's Project and is sole decision-maker of the artistic choices of each Artist, the opinion of the Prods being only advisory as specified below.
In this respect, Zelabel is likely to to solicit, in order to produce a Project, any partner of his choice, in his absolute discretion, who may notably be a partner or a provider.
Zelabel remains judge of the opportunity of the moment of the pressing of the Album of the sale of the Album of the number of copies of the latter provided that this number is not less than that mentioned in the Project Reference Budget.
By acquiring one or more Bets, the Prod:
Benefit from access to the Artist's Prod Area, which is linked to its Mise and access to certain Exclusive Content (such as the Budget details) or to certain reserved offers (displayed in the Artist page and showing the advantages granted in function the total amount of Prod's bets on the Project);
Receives a portion of the proceeds generated by the commercialization of the Project and based on the Net Revenues of the latter. This collection of receipts and the conditions related to the collection of these are stipulated is described below in the section Compensation conditions of the Prods
May participate in the consultations that would be organized by Zelabel concerning the artistic choices on which Zelabel and / or the Artist would like to have their opinion (in particular: choice of the cover of the Album, choice of the musical work to be exploited in "single", etc.).
It is recalled that Zelabel, its partners and the Artist are not bound by the result of these consultations.
Retractation of a Prod's Bet
Any bet set by a Prod is final regardless of the situation of the Project Cursors.
The Prod can not retract and transfer the Bet that he has paid for an Artist, at the balance of one other Project
However, in order to stay in compliance with the law concerning the right of withdrawal period (Article L. 121-20 of the Consumer Code) stipulating that following a purchase a natural person to the right to give up a purchase within 7 (seven) days, a Prod may ask Zelabel either in writing (recommended with acknowledgment of receipt) or by email the retraction of one of its Mises.
Retractation is possible and legal only for Prods registered as Members as a natural person. Any bet registered as a legal entity can not be the subject of a request for withdrawal.
The Prod can only claim the refund of its Credit on a bank account of which it is the holder. To do this, he must provide Zelabel with all the information required by the procedure provided for this purpose and indicated on his Member Account.
Zelabel will proceed or will then make the transfer within 30 (thirty) days following the request for reimbursement of the Wagering (s) by the Prod
The amount paid to the Prod by transfer may be reduced by a variable amount corresponding to the amount of the bank charges related to this transfer.
The Prod will be duly informed, prior to the transfer to its bank account, of these costs.
Zelabel does not provide any advice or assistance on the legal or tax aspects of the Service.
Payment method accepted by Zelabel for a Prod's Bet
Online Payment
The Prod may pay the amount of the Mises he wishes to pay by credit card, it being specified that the transaction is secure. The payment of the total amount of the Mises is carried out during the validation of the Mise.
The number of the bank card of the Prod is not preserved entirely by Zelabel which has a tool of payment in secure and encrypted line.
Zelabel has opted for encryption technology "3DS" (3 D Secure) that encrypts the information provided to protect all data related to personal information and payment methods of the Artist.
Preservation of Bets and Credit of a Project
The Deposit of the Prod is paid by Zelabel into an account (hereinafter referred to as the "Third Party Account") opened with the usual bank of the latter.
The sums appearing on the Account of Third Parties are not the property of Zelabel but that of the Prods. This Third Party Account is independent and can not be merged or cleared with other Zelabel or other bank accounts.
Considering the costs that would arise from the calculation of any interest due to each of the Prods and their redistribution, as well as the modest nature of the amounts concerned, the Prod agrees that any interest remunerating the Third Party Account will be automatically transferred to Zelabel.
The Production of the Prod is kept on the Account of Third Parties as long as the Fixed Objective defined within the active Phase of the Project is not achieved.
Zelabel does not work by imposing a period of setting other than the 18 months granted by the ' Artist at the signing of his Artist contract. The Wagering Period is never exceeded.
Once the Fixed Objective is reached for the Active Phase of the Project, the sums representing the Productions Bids for that Artist are transferred from the Account. Third party to the current account of Zelabel who will then become the owner of the corresponding amounts.
Zelabel according to the budget and without ever exceeding the latter and for each Phase proceeds as executive producer to the production of the Project Phase . For each expenditure made, it keeps an accounting of the expenditures made which is accessible by all the Prods who have at least made a Bet on the Project.
Payment Terms for Prods
Once the Project is completed, the payment of the payments due to the Prod and their payment to its Credit will be made within 30 (thirty) days of December 31 and June 30 of each year in which the sales will have been made on the Reference Territory (s)
Zelabel reserves the right to correct obvious errors in calculating gains from Loan or Balance of Credit. Zelabel will immediately inform the Prods concerned of possible corrections and will justify them.
Zelabel also reserves the right to apply a provision for return that it will appreciate in its sole discretion for each Prod on a case by case basis.
For practical reasons, if the statement of remuneration due to the Prod for a given Artist shows a positive balance less than € 5 (five euros), Zelabel reserves the right to postpone the payment of this remuneration until ' the balance due to the Prod is greater than or equal to this threshold.
The payment statements present on his Prod Account will be deemed to be definitively approved and freely accepted by the Prod, unless he disputes them by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to Zelabel at the address of the head office indicated in the heading of these presents, within a period of 15 (fifteen) days from their availability and online on his account and within the pages of Projects of Artists.
Paying the Prods
Compensation of Prods for a Project takes place semi-annually (twice a year) and this 6 months after the last actual production action has taken place (actual production costs related to promotion and advertising are not considered as actual The Prod is informed by email of these Recipes that it can also consult online within the Artist page of each Project.
The sum paid to the Prod by transfer will be able to be reduced by a variable amount corresponding to the amount of the bank charges related to this transfer.
The Prod will be duly informed of these fees, prior to the transfer to his bank account.
Zelabel provides no advice or assistance on the legal or tax aspects of the Service.
The declaration and payment of taxes applicable to the gains made by the Prod on the Site is its sole responsibility. Winnings can not be transferred, substituted or redeemed.
Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by Zelabel is proof of all transactions between Zelabel and Prod. The history of these transactions can be consulted at any time by the Prod on his Account and in particular on the Project page of each Artist.
Amount of Payment for the Prods
The amount of the Recipes granted to the Prods is based on a percentage of the "Net Recipes excluding taxes" for a Project.
The "Net Recipes excluding taxes" are defined as the turnover before tax collected by the Producer executive and its distributors or licensees in respect of the exploitation of the phonograms reproduced on the Project of the Performing Artist in question, after deduction of the costs relating thereto in particular, without this list being exhaustive:
manufacturing costs (supports and packaging);
royalties due under copyright;
artistic director's fees;
ntermediary and marketing commissions paid by Zelabel;
amounts withheld by the authorities of certain countries for the payment of the turnover in question;
All these costs are, as far as possible, taken into account in the Budget and thus financed by the Prods. All additional costs will be brought to the attention of the Prods and deducted the Net Revenues after justification by Zelabel.
It is agreed that the payments due to the Prod will be due to him during all the duration where the Prod will be Member of the Zelabel site and this without limit in time.
Duration and Termination of Prods
If the Prod wishes to terminate its contractual relationship with Zelabel, it can do so by sending a request by email to info@zelabel.com, to the condition not to have a Bet on an Artist Project.
The Prod who does not have Bet can at any time delete his Account by following this procedure intended for this purpose. > If there are any Artists Shows whose Fixed Objective is not reached, the Prod is invited to follow the above procedure (Retracting a Bet by Prod).
If he owns some bets of an Artist's project whose Fixed Objective is reached, the Prod who wishes to terminate his contractual relationship with Zelabel unconditionally acknowledges and accepts that his Mises, his Credit and any winnings that may be associated with them will be lost, and irrevocably renounces to claim any right or recourse for the purpose of claiming its Mises, its Credit, the Ga any associated ins, or any payment of any nature whatsoever in connection with its quality of Zelabel Site Prod.
In this last case, the Prod is invited to contact Zelabel by email at the following address: info@zelabel.com, in order to signify to him his clear and irrevocable decision to terminate without reservation and with full knowledge of the facts, his contractual relationship with the latter.
The Prod expressly accepts and acknowledges that, failing him, and / or his heirs and / or his successors to request payment by bank transfer, within one (1) year from the date of last making available to his Receipts of said sums, notwithstanding the sending by Zelabel, one month before the expiry of the period of one (1) year, an email on his Account reminding him of the terms of this clause and the time remaining to run before the expiry of the period of one year, the Prod will be considered to have irrevocably and voluntarily waived these amounts, which will be definitively acquired in Zelabel notammen t to cover the management costs (administrative, financial, etc.) generated by the Account remained inactive for a year, and any recourse or legal remedy to claim reimbursement.
Closing account
Zelabel reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate immediately and without notice any Prod Account whose owner has infringed, or has assisted a third party to violate the terms hereof, the Special Terms of Prods, or has committed any other illegal act.
In this case, Zelabel may not reimburse, as a penalty clause, all or part of the amounts corresponding to the Credit and the Income possibly associated with this Account of Prod and that he considers it necessary to repair the damage whatever his nature, which he might have suffered.
Last Stakes
The last stakes of our Prods :
6170 € | by pascal |
6170 € | by arthur de la taille |
100 € | by porsche |
50 € | by badasnounou |
60 € | by ma reine |
100 € | by nono nigo |
50 € | by valentinedbrr |
711 € | by arthur de la taille |
60 € | by sister4 |
20 € | by belloune |
Artists News
Here are the latest news of each Artist.
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MERCI Valentinedbrr et bienvenue parmi les ProdYSieuses : ) ... |
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Un grand MERCI à pascal, fredo67270, claire et flowww pour leurs mises . Bienvenue dans l'aventure Y ... |
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Bonjour et BIENVENUE sur la page artiste de Yann Silver.
N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos appr ... |
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Merci @marianne !!
... |
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Genial, un producteur de plus par ici. Merci Mumickeyxus pour ta générosité!
... |
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Merci le dernier venu Lidwell!Mais qui se cache derrière ce pseudo??? - |
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Mille millions de merci à toutes et tous !
"WAKE UP !", notre premier ... |
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Merci aux derniers profs, ça avance! Pathos, Pascal, Zombre, Sylcaro, reinessaba! ... |
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Après un peu plus d'un an sur Zelabel, la fin est toute proche pour notre projet !! |
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La barre des 10 000€ est dépassée !!! |
Bonsoir à tous,
Voilà , 10 jours d'écoulés et déjà, grâce à vous, 20% de la première étape réalisés!
Un grand merci à tous nos Prods et maintenant que vous faites partie de l'aventure... Partagez et parlez en autour de vous un max!
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Voilà, à peine 24h que le projet est lancé et déjà, cachet 1 musicien validé sur le projet.
Allez ... |
Nouveau projet en ligne sur Zelabel.
Wut B'ees démarre super bien son aventure sur notre site |
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C'est reparti !! Merci à nos nouveaux prods pour leurs mises !
Partagez la page, parlez du projet ... |
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Les 5 morceaux de l'EP ont été enregistrés et nous retournons ce week end à Sphere Studio afin de pr ... |
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C'EST FAIT !! La première phase est complète ! MILLE MERCIS à toutes et tous !
Nous étions 3 au dé ... |
les 100 Prods sont atteints et la première phase est toute proche |
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8000€ !!! C'est formidable, la fin de cette première phase est à présent toute proche ! 737€ nous sé ... |
ça y est, j'ai tout donné ! Je suis rincé, lessivé, à sec ! A vous de jouer !!! |
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Nous atteignons 90% de la jauge de la première phase !! En avant les amis, encore 900€ et nous pourr ... |
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Et 7000€ !! |
Les 7 000 approchent |
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Et de 6 000 € !! Merci à framboise, bibouchan et giba54 qui nous ont rejoint dernièrement. Encore 2 ... |
Les 6 000.00 € sont pratiquement atteint. encore quelques petites mises |
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WAYKOPP A LA RADIO CE SOIR (mercredi 11/02) - Le groupe sera représenté par Lord M et Président GG d ... |
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Félicitations ggqfan ! C'est amplement mérité vu ton implication de chaque instant depuis le début d ... |
Ca y est ! j'ai droit à mon nom comme producteur sur votre album !!! |
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Merci à toi Giofizet! On continue!
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La jauge a atteint 66% (les deux iers) de la première phase.
On se remobilise ! |
En route pour les 2000 € |
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Nous poursuivons notre montée tranquillement mais sûrement ! Merci à tous nos nouveaux prods, la fin ... |
Les 5000 € sont atteints !!!! |
La moitié du curseur de la première phase est atteint |
4000€, tout juste 23 jours après notre arrivée sur ZELABEL ! La moitié du chemin est presque faite pour la première phase du projet !! Continuons à partager cette page ! |
Our Partners
Sponsors Information
Zelabel, Sphere Studio, Tremplin de nuit et Lgsr sont des marques commerciales appartenant à la société Sphere France sarl.
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