Create an Account

In order to be able to bet on an Artist or to propose a Project as an Artist, it is necessary to register on our site. This registration allows you to recognize yourself and open a member area that allows you to access other pages and features specific to your role.

Create your Zelabel Account

Personal information

Title :  Personnal  Professional Title :  Mr  Miss  Mrs

 First name
 Last name
 Email address

 Date of birth
I accept to receive informations as well as promotions from Zelabel. (Zelabel will never transmit and give your coordinates to other companies or third parties.)

Addresses and contact

 Zip code
 Delivery address (if <> only)
 Zip code

 Home phone
Phone numbers to contact you if needed (at least one required)

Your account identifiers

 User id

  (min 6 characters)

  (min 6 characters)
 Password (confirm)

 Specify psw a 2nd time
By registering to become an Artist, I certify not to be bound by an exclusive contract and to be free of rights. I certify to be legally capable and major.I accept Particular Conditions as an Artist.
By registering to become Prod, I certify that I am not bound as a natural or legal person to a company producing, distributing, publishing or phonographic label or any other activity related to the world of music directly or indirectly via a particular participation or a shareholder for legal persons. I certify to be legally capable and major. I accept Special Terms as Prod.


Using your Personal Data

In accordance with articles 38 to 40 of the law of 6 August 2004, amending the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning your account

This right of access may be exercised upon written request to: Sphere France, Marketing Department, La Peletie Miossac, 24260 Mauzens & Miremont France or by email at .

Zelabel can use my phone number and my e-mail address for tracking purposes, information on products, services and other activities of the Sphere France group or for commercial prospecting purposes.
The Zelabel website observes and respects the RGPD personal data protection rules.

Retrieve your Zelabel userid and password

In order to retrieve your userid and password, please specify in the following form your email address. If the address is linked to a valid Zelabel account, an email will be send to this address containing your current userid and password.

Retrieve your userid and password

Account email

 Email address


Last Stakes

The last stakes of our Prods :

6170 €

by pascal
for Arthur de la Taille
27 month(s) ago for Production Album

6170 €

by arthur de la taille
for Arthur de la Taille
27 month(s) ago for Production Album

100 €

by porsche
for Arthur de la Taille
29 month(s) ago for Production Album

50 €

by badasnounou
for Arthur de la Taille
29 month(s) ago for Production Album

60 €

by ma reine
for Arthur de la Taille
35 month(s) ago for Production Album

100 €

by nono nigo
for Arthur de la Taille
38 month(s) ago for Production Album

50 €

by valentinedbrr
for Yann Silver
39 month(s) ago for Production Album

711 €

by arthur de la taille
for Arthur de la Taille
39 month(s) ago for Production Album

60 €

by sister4
for Arthur de la Taille
40 month(s) ago for Production Album

20 €

by belloune
for Arthur de la Taille
40 month(s) ago for Production Album



  • New functionnalities and bugs solved

    A new page is available so that our members can follow the new features offered on our site and the bugs solved and made to it.

  • Yann Silver - Production Album

    Considérant que le titre ultime serait écrit et composé par JJ Goldman avec les sons de Depeche Mode et interprété par Morten Harket, c'est en toute modestie que Yann Silver tente de s'en approcher.

  • Dick Turner - Production Album

    The pieces on this disc are the illustration of the ideas I expressed in my biography in a physical, that is, a sonic form.

    Here are the salient features of the works proposed.

    VARIATION is the key to all

  • Jolie Môme - Production Album

    Jolie Môme est une jeune artiste à la voix chaude et un peu éraillée.
    Elle propose des textes poignants, écorchés, évoquant la souffrance du cœur, la peine de l'âme, la tristesse du quotidien, mais aussi l'espoir, le désir d'aventures, la volonté de dévorer la vie.


Artists Projects

Here are a list of artists Projects available on Zelabel :

Projects List

Sponsors Information

Zelabel, Sphere Studio, Tremplin de nuit et Lgsr sont des marques commerciales appartenant à la société Sphere France sarl.

Terms of use

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